『PHASE TRANS』は、2017年に刊行した『VESSEL – XYZXY(Collaboration with Kohei Nawa | Damien Jalet)』(Rrose Editions + taisuke koyama projects)以来6年ぶりとなる小山泰介の写真集。都市における「イメージの相転移」をコンセプトとして2018年に開催された個展 “PHASE TRANS”(G/P gallery)をベースに、これまで継続的に制作・発表してきた「REVIVE」シリーズと「INTERFACE」シリーズを含む計102点の作品が、画像スライドショーのランダム配列を元にしたシークエンスによって収録されている。
一方「INTERFACE」シリーズは、人々が視覚的・身体的に都市と遭遇する接触点としての街のサーフェスに着目した作品。工事現場のフェンスや仮設壁、三角コーンや点字ブロックなど、都市空間で私たちの行動を無意識的に規定する「境界」を、iPhoneに搭載されたLiDARセンサーによるスキャニング技術を介して記録し、コンクリートブロックにプロジェクションして再撮影することによって、極度に断片化された表層の集積へと変換している。これらの作品は都市空間にインストールされることを目的として制作されており、「INTERFACE_GINZA」は2020年にGINZA SIX GARDENの銀座中央通りに面したガラス窓24面で、「INTERFACE_YURAKUCHO」は2021年に有楽町の6つのビルのガラスファサードで、それぞれTOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCHの企画により展示された。
“PHASE TRANS” is Taisuke Koyama’s first photo book in six years since “VESSEL – XYZXY” (Collaboration with Kohei Nawa | Damien Jalet) published in 2017 (Rrose Editions + taisuke koyama projects.) Based on his solo exhibition “PHASE TRANS” (G/P gallery) held in 2018 with the concept of “phase transition of images” in the city, the book contains a collection of 102 works including the “REVIVE” series and the “INTERFACE” series that he has continuously produced and presented. These works are composed based on a sequence generated by the random arrangement of the photo slideshow.
The main focus of this book is the “REVIVE” series, which automatically synthesized by errors occurring during the intentional deletion and subsequent recovery, using data recovery software, of tens of thousands of photographs taken in Tokyo’s redevelopment areas triggered by the Olympics. The composition of the images, including noise and discoloration, is not intentional but rather incidental occurrences during the data recovery process. These images born from the process of data disappearance and regeneration depict the fluidity of a city undergoing repeated cycles of destruction and reconstruction.
On the other hand, the “INTERFACE” series focuses on the surfaces of the city as points of contact where people visually and physically encounter the urban environment. It captures the “boundaries” that unconsciously regulate our behavior in urban spaces, such as construction site fences, temporary walls, triangular cones, and braille block, using scanning technology from LiDAR sensors embedded in iPhones. By projecting the 3D image texture map of the recorded boundaries onto concrete blocks and re-photographing, the surface undergoes a transformation into an accumulation of highly fragmented textures. These works were created to be installed in the urban space, and “INTERFACE_GINZA” exhibited on 24 glass windows facing Ginza Chuo-dori in GINZA SIX GARDEN in 2020, and “INTERFACE_YURAKUCHO” on the glass facades of six buildings in Yurakucho in 2021, both planned by TOKYO PHOTOGRAPHIC RESEARCH.